Two Seater Competition 2024

(Sunday 18th August - Sunday 25th August 2024)

Welcome to the 38th annual Wolds Gliding Club Two Seater Comp at Pocklington.

To reserve your place today, please apply below and pay the £50 deposit. Prior to the competition start, please review the various documents below (and print/fill in the application form.) If you have any questions, suggestions or issues then please let us know.

Two Seater Competition Deposit

Results and Task Links

Results will be published online at

To display the Tasks, and see the gliders airborne, go to the following links: and go to WGC Two-Seater Competition and click on the Task for the day,


The Team:

  • Directors: Mike Jordy and Alan Rands

  • Scoring: Dick Midwinter

  • Meteorology: Mike Fox

  • Task Setter: Mike Jordy

  • Airspace: Dave Smith

  • Launch Marshall: Steve Ruffell

  • Tug Master: Steve Wilkinson

  • Control: Graham Walker / Bev Chrimes

  • Start/Finish Line: Bernie Svenson

  • Technical: Bob Kirbitson

  • Stewards: Bob Holroyd

  • Catering: Keren Svenson

  • Pilot Safety Committee: TBA at first day briefing

The competitors

# Reg BGA Trigraph Glider Name Club
01 G-CJOO 185 Duo Discus Angus Sheldon Borders/WGC
02 G-RIEF EF DG1000t Clive Groves Hus Bos
03 G-CHYY A26 Nimbus3dt Dave Bell WGC
04 G-JNUS 52 Janus-C Nick Peatfield Staffordshire GC
05 G-CHTL 38 Arcus T Richard Large The Gliding Centre
06 G-KDLO GB1 Duo Discus XLT Andy Thornhill WGC
07 G-CLXH LXH Grob Twin 3 Graham Stanford Staffordshire GC
08 G-IGLI 563 Duo Discus W Chris Fox Denbigh
09 G-BZYG 94 DG500 MB Bob Bromwich Bannerdown
10 G-RCUS CUS Arcus T Mike Weston Cotswold
11 G-DDRO 258 Twin Astir Alistair Gillson Shropshire Soaring
12 GJB GJB duo Discus XLT Gordon Basey WGC
14 G-CGBV GBV K21 Mike Jordy WGC
15 G-TVGC TV Janus A Peter Dixon Trent Valley
16 G-CJXN z35 Marianne Colin Metcalfe Trent Valley GC
17 G-CJAV JAV K21 Lloyd Finlay WGC
18 G-CLGZ T3 Duo Discus XLT David Knibbs Staffordshire GC
19 G-CJRF JRF Puchaz Sandy Loynd WGC
20 G-DMBD MBD K21 Graeme Cooksey WGC
21 G-HJSM 60 Nimbus4DM Alistair Cook Edge Hill GC
22 G-CLRP LRP Janus B Simon Grant Trent Valley GC
23 G-DEOV EOV Janus C Keith Springate Burn GC
24 BNR BNR T49 Capstan Peter Nash Peterborough & Spalding
25 BF1 BF1 K21 John Klunder Bowland Forrest
26 JKV JKV Grob Twin Acro Mark Rushton Welland GC
27 BBB BBB Eagle John Pursey Devon & Somerset GC
28 DD3 DD3 Duo Discuss Phillip Morrison Devon & Somerset GC
29 G-CKLY D6 DG1000T Paul Smith Oxford GC
30 BUR BUR Capstan Robert Playle Edgehill GC
31 CNM CNM Bocian Ross Moriss Peterborough & Spalding GC
32 BTR BTR DG500M Bill Young WGC
33 JZK JZK DG505 Mike Armstrong
34 ? ? Arcus John Inglis
35 C4 C4 Janus Robert Tatlow
36 KGX KGX K21 Andy Parish
37 DTC DTC Janus Dave Sissons